A professional community organizer, lifelong spiritual seeker, and enthusiastic adventurer, I was led toward a more purposeful & ever-evolving existence inspired by the simplicity, intentionality, and adaptability of a consistent yoga practice and years of solo international travel. Exploring the 8 Limbs of yoga as a spiritual pathway healed every aspect of my life cellularly and soulfully from the inside out. Through the practice, lifestyle, and journey of yoga, I've found full embodiment, total empowerment, and the courage to be my most authentic, soul-led Self. Believing this transformation is possible for everyone, I dedicated myself to living my freedom journey abundantly.
Terence McKenna wrote, "This is how the magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed." So after serving many years as the Executive Director of Six Corners' community & economic development organization and the Sustainability Coordinator for the 45th ward before that, I took a full-faith leap backed by the confidence of inner knowing and founded Wildlight in 2018. In 2021, I welcomed the opportunity to relocate Wildlight to the third floor of the Portage Arts Lofts and expanded into the 5,000 sq. ft. healing arts center it is today.
I envision Wildlight as a community that calls upon the spiritual teachers, healers, wellness practitioners, curious students, rebel-hearted, daydreamers, seekers and finders, and free spirits to live big and audaciously in order to inspire ongoing liberation of self and community for a Conscious Collective.
I believe in us, believe in myself, and believe in you.
Your courage is stunning. Your vibrance is welcomed. Your most authentic self is waiting to meet you.
The doors are open and we will lead the way!
Kelli Wefenstette​, Founder & Director