Becky Mocarski (she/her) found yoga during her first pregnancy. What started as a 'this should help me feel good' practice turned into a passion and love of yoga. She signed up for teacher training just after her first son was born. She now has three sons and has been teaching for over 10 years! As a competitive gymnast for years, she was used to simply ignoring the aches and pains of her body, but that first yoga class introduced her to the power of listening and asking your body how it feels.
Becky is a self-described 'conversational' teacher. She is open to questions during a pose because it means they are paying attention to your body and looking for the sensations. She loves a strong flow class just as much as a Restorative class. She uses inclusive and invitational language woven with humor to allow any student at any phase of their practice to feel welcome in her classes. Her additional trainings in Yin, Pre- and Post-natal, and Trauma-informed yoga help her create well-sequenced classes with ample time for Savasana at the end . . . after all, it's what we all show up for right?!
Students can expect just as many invitations to use props to support themselves as they can to challenge their physical and mental practices. Becky believes in the power of stillness at the end of a practice and usually includes a guided meditation or deep breathing and a well-placed poem or quote at the end. Becky loves to sing and offers chants or song during Savasana.
Becky is a clothing designer that designs yoga-friendly clothes featuring crochet details. She loves to laugh and the company of others. Her current favorite asanas are Triangle, Headstand, and Supported Savasana. She takes Savasana with a minimum of two blankets because there's nothing better than support and snuggles as you lay in rest!